Spring has sprung

Student DJs are emerging from hibernation with new shows, new slots, and new music….

Check out the new schedule to see if your favorite show has a new slot! You can find a higher resolution, interactive version of the schedule over on the Schedule tab.






4 responses to “Spring has sprung”

  1. Diana de cosimo Avatar
    Diana de cosimo

    Is Rita Ryan still doing local motion? If so when

  2. admin Avatar

    Local Motion is on break at the moment, but the same calendar slot is reserved for when Rita returns!

  3. Jack Avatar

    thanks for posting. Are the student and community show colors reversed? and is there a way to get a quick blurb description for each show?

  4. admin Avatar

    The student and community colors are reversed, oops! Thanks for pointing that out…
    The most up-to-date schedule is on our schedule tab, where some DJs have written blurbs for their show.

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