Good evening, listeners!
It is my esteemed pleasure to announce the addition of more than a baker’s dozen of sweet new shows on WVKR this Fall:
Intergalactic Vomit w. DJs Birthday and Pay2Play: “Intergalactic Love Tunes” (ambient sound collages) [Sun 12-1 am]
Sludge Judy w. DJ Judy: Sludge/Stoner/Doom Metal [Sun 3-4 am]
Regurgitated Giblets w. DJ Trill Clinton: Grindcore \m/ [Mon 3-4 am]
Girlectro w. DJ LilRed: Female electronic artists of then and now [Tues 3-4 am]
Infinite Space w. DJ Knitted Socks: 1970s Progressive Rock [Tues 1-2 pm]
(or if you desire an alternative space…)
Tormented Space w. DJ Koeltrane: Surf rock, young and old [Wed 3-4 am]
Stand! w. DJ Showtime Gordon: Protest songs (from many a time and for many a purpose) [Wed 2-3 pm]
The Third Estate w. Noah: Independent news and commentary, from politics to pop culture [Wed 3-4 pm]
Nu Gaze into Shoegaze w. DJ Glitter: Shoegaze, psychedelia, and dream-pop from the 21st century [Thurs 2-3 am]
Latin American Horror Story w. DJs Mayo and Ketchup: Latin American alternative music [Thurs 3-4 am]
Screwdrivers and Sandpaper w. DJ Pop-Me-&-Sweat: Romantic/Modern/20th-Century Symphonic works [Thurs 7-8 am]
The Void w. DJs Chives Parmesan and Sexy Egg Costume: Sleepy goth music [Fri 3-4 am]
Long Gone Daddies w. DJ Cool Guy: Honky tonkers, western singers, and singing cowboys [Sat 1-2 am]
Dior Nights//Net Sounds w. DJ 初段 (Shodan): Internet Microgenres (Vaporwave/Witch House/Seapunk/Post-whatever) [Sat 2-3 am]
Be sure to tune in to these and all of our talented DJs on WVKR – check out this season’s Program Guide for details!
Peace, Love, & Independent Radio,
Jack (“John”)
Program Director ’14-’15
***P.S. Want to check out a show that’s a little past your bedtime? Record it and listen in on your own time – Go to and create a free account, and record the slot that you want to hear!
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