WVKR will be giving away THREE pairs of tickets to see M.I.A. perform (with MGMT and Rye Rye) here at Vassar this FRIDAY the 11th. Listen to WVKR (91.3 FM or streaming at www.wvkr.org) tomorrow (TUESDAY) between 12-4 PM and 10 PM – 2 AM and also WEDNESDAY from 10 PM – 2 AM.  One… Read more


    WVKR will be giving away on the air six tickets to the M.I.A. concert here at Vassar College taking place on April 11. STAY TUNED for more information on how to make one of these tickets yours! And for more information on the concert (which will also feature MGMT and Rye Rye), go to www.chooseyourvice.com. Read more

  • Welcome!

    This is the brand new WVKR blog. We have high hopes for it. Stay tuned for album reviews, event postings, random station- or music-related ramblings, reports from various college music festivals, and much, much more. Spread the word! WVKR has finally staked its claim in the twenty-first century and started a blog! Over and out,… Read more

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging! Read more