D E A R WVKR listeners: Our air studio has been facing hardware issues since last summer’s storms. We’ve been repairing as more hits have been happening and malfunctions arise with our newly installed equipmeny. The recent interruptions in program are a result of this issue. ☔️?⚡️ We’ve currently moved to using our production studio, where… Read more
PLEDGE DRIVE SEPTEMBER 18th-24th!!!!!!!!!!!
⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ WVKR listeners, After a summer of storms, your fav indie radio’s 2018 PLEDGE DRIVE WILL RUN TODAY, SEPT 18 to MONDAY NIGHT, SEPT 24!!! We rely on the pledge drive to make a large portion of our yearly budget–to help pay for annual bills and repairs, and to keep independent radio alive! To make… Read more
Updates from August Storms
Hello WVKR family — WVKR was recently greatly affected by the storms of 08/03 and 08/17. During both of those storms significant portions of Vassar College lost power, thus putting the station off the air overnight. In addition to power outages, there have been other difficulties behind the scenes, further complicating the station’s broadcasting. Specifically,… Read more
WVKR Summer ’18 Schedule
Dang, where has the time gone? Summer is nearly half way over, :-( Still, we have a bit more than a month left with our summer DJs – plenty of time to to tune in. Attached is the 2k18 summer schedule so y’all know what you’re listening to! One love, WVKR Summer Staff UPDATED WVKR… Read more