Author: exec
The Campus Current – November 20th, 2012
Check out the Campus Current at 5 PM on 91.3 or This week’s show features profiles of various interesting people of the Vassar community!
The Campus Current: International Show of Mystery
Tune into 91.3 FM or go to at 5 PM EST today to hear “The Campus Current: International Show of Mystery.” Today’s show highlights the voices and experiences of international communities and individuals at Vassar. Segments include: the story of Mirela, an Albanian woman working at the Retreat, a discussion of culture shock with Office of…
The Campus Current: Election Day Special!
Tuesday, November 6, is a momentous day for two reasons: it’s Election Day and time for another episode of The Campus Current! This week, the team explores the presidential election from a uniquely “Vassar” perspective. We’ll analyze the presidential debates with the Vassar debate society and discuss the role of linguistics in the election with…
Jay Does CMJ 2012 – FRIDAY REPORT!
So after two days of ambling around New York City with only a set of directions and two bottles of water to my name, I was reaching the end of my time at CMJ. I had already seen 16 performances between Tuesday and Thursday, and I still had six more on the agenda before I went back to…