Author: exec
The Campus Current: Military Edition
Today’s episode of The Campus Current explores past and present relationships between Vassar and the military, music and war and various other contemporary issues relating to the military. Check out 91.3 FM or go to at 5 PM to listen!
The Campus Current – Weather and Climate
The Campus Current is back with its first episode of 2013! In light of the extreme cold we’ve been experiencing lately, the team explores weather and climate during today’s show. Tune in to hear about ice boats on the Hudson River, Hurricane Sandy, climate change and student adjustment to unfamiliar climates. Listen in at 5…
Special Presentation: Not Not Fun/100% Silk Label Showcase
Tune in to WVKR FM on Tuesday, December 4th from 10-11pm EST for a special Not Not Fun showcase on The Olive Garden, a weekly experimental music radio show. It’ll be a survey of NNF and 100% Silk (their dance sub-label) releases, past and present.
The Campus Current: Prison Edition
This week on The Campus Current, the team looks at the prison system and it’s various connections to Vassar. We’ll hear activists, artists, students and intellectuals discuss and describe issues and experiences related to correctional facilities. Starting us off we’ll hear about The Campaign to End the New Jim Crow’s recent conference “Mass Incarceration –…