Author: exec
LISTEN TO: The Primitive Show!
♣ Listen to THE PRIMITIVE SHOW–“garage rock from the 60s to the new millennium”–every FRIDAY from 12-3 on WVKR, 91.3fm and!! ♣
Hear an interview with The Big Takeover this Wednesday on LocalMotion!
Tune in to WVKR this Wednesday (June 22) at 5 to hear Rita Ryan interview The Big Takeover on this week’s edition of LocalMotion. The Big Takeover is a New York based reggae band with over 500 shows under its belt! This high-energery sextet mixes reggae and ska influences to create a unique sound. The band, lead…
Senior Week Special
15 WVKR seniors. 15,000,000 tears to shed at graduation. 1 week. 35+ HOURS OF FAREWELL SHOWS, MARATHONS, CO-DJ SPECIALS, ET CETERA!!!! You heard that right – to celebrate our eldest student DJs, we’re dedicating all student airtime this week to senior programming! Tune in while you still can and catch: Spring tha Trap: Go hard with all…
Apply for a Show on WVKR (for the Summer or More!)
Do any of the above images resonate with you? Can you see yourself in them? Imagine broadcasting the sounds of your heart (and vocal cords) at 3400 watts to 5 states, and also anywhere in the world over the web. Imagine you’re having fun and feeling really proud because that’s what it…