Category: Blog
Pledge drive updates
Hello dear listeners, Due to circumstances both within and beyond our control, pledge drive premiums have been slow to ship this year. But fear not! Exec has been 🔒locking in🔒 over the past few weeks and the first sets of orders have been shipped. We’re so sorry for the delays! Pledge shipments have been slower…
Spring has sprung
Student DJs are emerging from hibernation with new shows, new slots, and new music…. Check out the new schedule to see if your favorite show has a new slot! You can find a higher resolution, interactive version of the schedule over on the Schedule tab.
New year, new look!
Hello loyal listeners! This is Jackson, WVKR’s Tech Director this year. I’ve been working to give this site a much-needed facelift, so you may have noticed some changes in the past few weeks. Most excitingly, the front page now features a live radio player — no more confusing external sites and no more outdated show…
PLEDGE DRIVE Begins September 17th!